A member shares about Al-Anon literature
In my search for help in coping with the effects of growing up with alcoholism,
I accumulated shelves of books of psychology, religion, and a variety of self-disciplines. As a child I felt I could count
on no one, and I was suspicious of asking others for help. I preferred to seek a solo form of assistance from books.
Now I'm slowly accumulating a full library
of Al-Anon publications by purchasing them at meetings and studying each one in turn. I've even mustered the courage to
discuss my readings with other members. The insights garnered have turned my suspicion into trust. I've come out of my
solitary personal library into the welcoming human world of Al-Anon.
Hope for Today (B-27)
view or purchase Conference Approved Al-anon / Alateen literature,select the followiong link: